Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Great skin

 Most teenagers have acne or pimples or some kinda skin problem, I mean its very rare to see a teenager walking around with perfect skin.
  So I found some ways to treat skin without toxic cosmetics that will make you look like the wicked witch of the west later on in life. The key is being healthy, yuk right, that's what I thought too, but actually you don't have to eat tofu or quit eating pizza, or eat some weird tasteless food.
  You see acne and pimples are caused when pores are blocked often by oil or dirt on the skin.
1.Cut down on dairy products.
Dairy causes fat which causes oil on the skin. You don't have to quit eating ice cream or stop drinking milk but eating ice-cream every day would probably cause pimples.

2.Have your bath everyday
Seriously girls once in two days isn't exactly clean.
3.Wash your face constantly.
wash your face after a work out, after being in the sun for too long, any time you feel that your nose is shinny, wash your face.
4.Don't use to much make up
Make up is good(even though I don't use it) but when it is too much it stays on your skin after you clean it off and blocks your pores.
Also drugs like steroids and estrogen cause acne.
and eat lots of veggies they help cleanse your skin.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Back to school

Its almost time for school to begin and most of us are doing our back to school shopping. and I have been doing alot of shopping and research. This picture of Keke Palmer shows her sporting a killer outfit all of which are designer, but i got almost the exact same outfit for under $20, How? Its a little thing i like to call "copy cat". All it takes is:
Step 1: look for pictures of your celebrity role model
Step 2:study his/her outfit
Step 3:look for something similar at Walmart, Old Navy or Target
its that easy.
Also I get a little help from my fashion guru sister Devon who lives in England and owns
My other secret is that i only buy stuff that go with something that is already in my closet.
These strategies allow me to save money so i can be able to buy some designer stuff.
You can also try some of these quizzes from Seventeen to find your style.
this is my style

Locker: lockers are suppose to reflect your personality kinda like your mini room so I did some research on that too. I found which sells some awesome locker accessories such as rugs, mirrors and even chandeliers. I also found personality poster, all your have to do is call 6145161916, tell them your personality and they make the poster for you, the posters cost only $5, but you can only get them in Columbus, OH.