Thursday, July 19, 2012

How the brain of a parent works

My dad is one of the best dads in the world even though he is uptight, has a weird sense of fashion and always wants me to do what he thinks is "ideal" like every other parent. Parents look at us like toddlers, they think that we don't know what we are doing WRONG!!! Actually they do look at us like toddlers, they want to hold on to us because they love us not because they think we are stupid. They want to protect us because in their adult eyes they still see us as toddlers. They also at the same time think that their own teenager is the best teenager there is, and therefore don't want anything to happen to us. They treat us like eggs, each parent thinking that their egg is better than the neighbor's and at the same time think that we are as fragile as eggs that one drop will break us, and therefore put us in boxes with cotton and padding so that we do not break.  They do not know that like an egg in a box we will rot, wanting freedom, that we cant wait to taste the freedom that we desperately desire. Today I could have yelled at my dad to leave me alone and that he is destroying my life and then gotten grounded, but i took a different approach. I told him that he treats me like an egg and that eggs rot when you but them in a box, and that he should be able to trust me to do the right thing. I also told him that if he keeps me from making mistakes that i will never learn, and it actually worked! I was able to tap into my dads brain and here i am with the blog i have been asking if i could have for 5 months :)


  1. Replies
    1. hummmmm, is it all about sharing and understanding or is it about picking the other's brain. It is nice to know how teens think.
